e-Cargo bikes

What is an e-Cargo bike?

e-Cargo bikes are an electric assisted version of the traditional cargo bike and can carry a similar load to a small vehicle. The electrification supports the transport of heavier loads, allowing for easy transportation with less rider power required, particularly in hilly terrain. An e-Cargo bike will have a built-in cargo area at the front or back, and can handle more load than an ordinary bike, thanks to the specifically designed frame and drivetrain.



An e-Cargo bike can cut costs. In addition to a cheaper monthly rentals and running costs, they avoid congestion and on-road parking charges.


Because they have zero tail pipe emissions, e-Cargo bikes can contribute toward your decarbonisation transport strategy. Additionally, they take up less space and can use cycling lanes.

No licence required

e-Cargo bikes do not require a driving licence (although we recommend appropriate training). The electric assistance makes them easy to operate and can be used by people of all ages and physical abilities.

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E-Cargo for business


Why businesses should adopt e-Cargo bikes

In congested cities, e-Cargo bikes can travel faster than cars and vans. In 2018, central London’s average traffic speed on weekdays was 11.4 km/h. For bikes, it was 15 km/h as they can access cycle lanes and navigate smaller streets. Different studies comparing delivery vans to e-Cargo bikes also show that they can deliver up to 60% faster, and that is likely to increase as cycling infrastructure improves.


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E-Cargo bike


Which businesses can use e-Cargo bikes

e-Cargo bikes are ideal for ‘Last Mile Deliveries’ to make the last leg of a parcel’s journey in urbanised areas, so are suited to logistics companies. However, other sectors such as grocery delivery companies, laundry sectors, waste companies, food carts and businesses who need to transport tools and inventory are increasingly adopting the technology.

Frequently asked questions

Is insurance required?

While insurance is not a legal requirement to operate an e-Cargo bike, they can be expensive to replace or repair, so many operators will protect them with e-Cargo bike insurance.

Companies may also want to ensure their public liability insurance covers the use and operation of e-Cargo bikes as part of business activities. Check with your legal team or insurance provider to ensure you have sufficient cover.

The e-Cargo bikes offered through Arval adhere to law EN15194, the EU e-bike safety standard. This involves speed being limited to 15.5mph (25kmh) and the motor being limited to 250w.

For further information, visit

Who maintains the e-Cargo bike?

Depending on location, Arval can provide a preventative maintenance package via the OEM, or the client may opt to maintain the e-Cargo bike themselves.

As with any vehicle provided by Arval, the client is responsible for ensuring the vehicle is safe and roadworthy, undertaking any required maintenance checks at regular intervals.

Our suppliers also offer full mechanic training and virtual workshops.

Who can use an e-Cargo bike?

Any Arval client, where we already provide fleet vehicles, is eligible to use an e-Cargo bike supplied by Arval. Please speak to your Account Manager for more information.

Are there limits on operator age?

While there are no legal restrictions on age to use an e-Cargo bike, riders should have suitable knowledge and awareness of the highway code. Other restrictions on operation may be included in any insurance your company has in place. Please check with your insurance provider.

Do you need a licence?

Typically, you do not need a licence to operate an e-Cargo bike, provided they adhere to the current laws and are classified as “electric bikes” or “Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPC)”. The e-Cargo bikes offered through Arval adhere to law EN15194, the EU e-bike safety standard. This involves speed being limited to 15.5mph (25kmh) and the motor being limited to 250w.

While operators do not require a licence, we do recommend training for riders to familiarise them with the controls, before public use. The manufacturer can offer user orientation and training for your staff.

For further information, visit

What equipment do you need to operate an e-Cargo bike?

The e-Cargo bike will come with all the equipment you need for use and charging. The battery is removed from the bike for charging and will charge from a standard 13A socket in approximately 6-7 hours.

How can I secure the e-Cargo bike?

e-Cargo bikes are easier to park than a car, and will take up much less space than a typical city car. However, they are bulky and overnight storage can be an issue if you don’t have a storage facility or suitable space. We recommend you consider it in the same way as a motorbike, using a secure storage location, heavy duty locks, and stored in a warm and dry environment.

While in use around a town or city, the rider will need to ensure the cargo compartment is locked between deliveries. This can be fitted with keys or electronic locks as required. The bike itself requires a key to be driven so the rider would remove this as they step off the bike to make a delivery, ensuring no-one is able to drive it away.

In addition, brake levers are equipped with an additional catch, which will ensure brakes are held in the ON position when in use. A lock can also be fitted to prevent the catch being released.

Can an e-Cargo bike carry passengers?

No. While e-Cargo bikes can be made to provide alternative transport solutions for passengers. Arval does not currently provide this as an option.

Can e-Cargo bikes use pedestrian areas?

The e-Cargo bikes available from Arval are limited to 15.5mph (25kmh) and have 250w motors or smaller, and so are classified as normal pedal bikes. As such, they can be ridden anywhere where standard pedal bikes would be allowed. This includes:

  • Shared use paths
  • Cycle lanes
  • Bus lanes

However, operators should consider that large four-wheel bikes of this type may be considered as anti-social or undesirable in restricted spaces, and therefore should continue to plan routes carefully to avoid damage or pedestrian inconvenience.

Are there any restrictions on use on the road?

e-Cargo bikes have the same legal status as a regular bike, and should follow the appropriate rules and guidelines (e.g. not to be used on a motorway).

What safety equipment is required?

As e-Cargo bikes are classed as pedal bikes, cycling helmets should be worn. We also recommend the use of Hi-Vis coats or vests to increase visibility for other road users.

How much weight can an e-Cargo bike carry?

e-Cargo Bike loads range from 150kg to 250kg (excluding the driver) and care should be taken not to exceed this. Please speak to Arval about any specific requirements.

Are the any restrictions on what can be carried?

No. Anything you could transport with a car or van, can be transported by an e-Cargo bike, as long as the max load limit is not exceeded.

Can an e-Cargo bike be fitted with a heater/cooler in the cargo area?

A certain amount of customisation to the cargo area is possible. Please speak to your Account Manager.

Can the e-Cargo bike be wrapped in my corporate livery?

Yes. The bike (cargo area) can be branded to suit your brand requirements. Please speak to your Account Manager.

Can e-Cargo bikes be used on hills?

The bike is electrically assisted and is designed to be ridden for a long day without the rider getting tired. Pushing the pedals will engage the motor so rider effort levels can be lower.

The rider can adjust the level of assistance delivered, increasing power to help tackle long hills and reducing power for flat areas and low speed manoeuvring.

How long does a battery last?

A typical 60Ah battery provides a maximum of 40m (65km) of range. Larger batteries are available and a secondary battery holder can also be added.

The battery is removed from the bike for charging and will charge from a standard 13A socket in approximately 6-7 hours.

Are there ISO standards for bikes?

Yes. ISO 12405-1:2011: Electrically propelled road vehicles, specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems for use in electrically propelled road vehicles.

Can the e-Cargo bike be used by different riders?

Yes, the riders seat is adjustable to suit multiple riders. Each rider should adjust the seat height before use. This can easily be adjusted without any tools.

What regular maintenance is required?

There are a number of daily checks that should be carried out before use. This includes:

  • Tyres (tread and pressure)
  • Brakes
  • Lights
  • Mirrors
  • Windscreen

In addition, the rider should carry out a general visual inspection before use and report any issues to the fleet manager.

In addition, we recommend a programme of weekly and monthly checks, most of which can be carried out by a rider that has been trained in the operation of the e-Cargo bike.

Additional checks and maintenance should be carried out by a qualified mechanic and can be done in-house, if trained personnel are available, or by a locally approved cycle mechanic.

How far will the bike travel on a single charge?

The manufacturer will help you assess your daily range requirements and specify the appropriate sized batteries for your needs. A typical 60Ah battery provides a maximum of 40m (65km) of range.

Larger batteries are available and a secondary battery holder can also be added to carry two batteries at a time. The batteries are ‘swappable’ meaning you can easily slide them into the battery holders to replace and charge.