distracted driver

GUIDE: Driver distractions - 2023 Update

Safety 31 May 2023

When you’re behind the wheel of a car – whether alone or with passengers – driving safely should always be your top concern. We’re more distracted than ever, so it’s crucial to know the basics of safe driving and practice them every time you’re on the road.

We all know that mobile devices are a major distraction but they are not the only one.  Distractions can include eating, drinking, setting satnav, radios
etc - anything that takes your eyes off the road or distracts your concentration from driving.

Distraction is a major cause of collisions with drivers 4 times more likely to be in a crash if using a mobile device (even hands free).

40% of drivers name hand-held mobile phone use as one of their top 4 road safety concerns.

Drivers must not text, make calls, play games, scroll through playlists, take photos or videos, or browse the web while driving. An offence is
triggered whenever a driver holds and uses a device, regardless of why they are holding it.

It is illegal to hold and use a phone, sat nav, tablet, or any device that can send or receive data while driving. If caught doing so, drivers
can face fines of up to £1,000, receive 6 points on their licence, or a full driving ban.

Many employers will also discipline drivers for doing so and it will increase the cost of vehicle insurance.

Just reading a text or email takes a driver’s eyes off the road for at least 5 seconds.

Statistics and research has found that being distracted, whilst driving, increases our chance of being involved in a collision. Our guide highlights the main distractions and their possible impact.

Download and read the full guide >

Best practice tips

  • If using hands-free devices, make sure they are fully set up before starting to drive.
  • Only use hands-free devices when you are happy it is safe to do so.
  • Always ensure a clear view of the windscreen and road ahead.
  • Do not hold or interact with a mobile device while driving.
  • Where possible, switch mobile phones to a form of safe-driving mode e.g. silent mode or switched off.
  • Using a mobile phone for navigation is legal, as long as it is kept in a cradle and not in the driver’s hand.

The government is considering increasing the penalty of causing death whilst driving when using a hand-held device from 14 years to
life imprisonment.

Although the law allows drivers to use their phone while driving, if it is properly set up as a hands-free device, your employer’s policy may not allow this.

Hands-free devices attached to the windscreen or dashboard should not obscure the driver’s view of the road. Drivers can get 3 penalty points if they do not have a full view of the road and traffic ahead or proper control of the vehicle.

Distracted drivers who cause death or serious injury by dangerous driving face a maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment, unlimited fine and obligatory driving ban.

Information supplied by Arvals’ partner Driving for Better Business (www.drivingforbetterbusiness.com) - The Van Drivers Toolkit

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